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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/354

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The Man Who Invented the "Tank"

���The Drtadnoufiht of the This is Sir William Triuon beside one of liis newest and liiiKfst tractors, useful in dra«Kin« the lieavie.st artillery. ile and Col. E. D. Suinton are the inventors of the far famed "tank". ConcerninR the advent of the tanlcs, the widely-known Eniiliiili writer, Ian Hay, recently wrote:

"Down in the forest sometliinK stirred. From till- (hiiths of the wood opjiosite came a cracklinK, • riinchinK Honnd, as of »(>me prehistoric beast forc- inK its way throuuh tropical underKrowth. And then, suddenly, out from the thinning edijc there

��Battlefield and Its Father

loomed a monster — a monstrosity. It did not filide, it did not walk. It wallowed. It lurched, with now and then a laborious heave of its shoulders. It fumbled over a low bank. It cros.sed a ditch, by the simple expedient of rolliuK the ditch out flat. In the middle of the dearinc, twenty yards farther on. Raped an enormous shellcrater. a present from the IC;iiser. Into this the creature plunKed blindlv, to emerRe, pantiiig and puftiiiK, on the farther side. The tank took notice of nothiuR. None whatever. She simply went waddling on, onward — toward Berlin."


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