Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/38

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What Happens to the Food We Eat?

���Theaboveillui,, ,;,.„. .nlv.nturc^ of an .;■:■. ' piece of lean meat some

potatoes and a .slice of bread duriny the process of hecomiii!; proteids. starcn ana fats. The egg and meat arc shown just as they come to the "mill. "n&'"0""^^: although of course we grind everything that comes mto the "mill. inc oreau and potatoes begin digesting at once. The other food is slower, needing preparation in the first kitchen before passing to the second kitchen where the bile and pan- creatic juice complete its digestion. As this food passes along that tube the iittie tentacles in its walls sort out what is needed, the waste going into the sewer. It takes two hours for food to digest; so we should not overcrowd our stomacns ( a (Irawinnby I'rof. and Mrs.Winli.ltl Sioll Hall in Pictiirc<l KnowlcdKO. CoinDton-Johnson Co.)




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