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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/54

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38 Popular Science Monthly

A New Device Mixes Moist Air with How to Tie a Steel Cable in a


��Gasoline Fuel

��Handle" Knot

��OPERATING on the same prin- ciple as the diaphragm pump, the device il- lustrated, automatic- ally draws a certain amount of moist air from the radiator of an automobile and de- livers it into the gaso- line intake manifold. The amount intro- duced is automatically controlled by the suc- tion of vacuum of the motor, which draws the diaphragm of the device against a cone-shaped adjusting screw that serves to vary the amount passing through a hole in the center of the diaphragm.


��The device draws moist air from t±ie radiator, as shown above

��Moist air Flexible tubey _

��Overflow pipe


Adjusting screw

P^^ilHoiein diaphragm Glassm ^

���;lntake pipe

��Illustrating how the moist air increases the engine efficiency

��Utilizing Garbage to Lower the Price of Pork

OUT in Omaha City, Omaha, the people are not worrying about the soaring prices of pork. The hotel men of the city have formed themselves into a hog-raising organization, and a chain of restaurants contributes the table and kitchen refuse to feed the hogs, fattening them for the market in record time. In Hull, Mass., the same idea of utilizing garbage to prepare live .stock for the market, is carried out under the city management. Land for pasturing and hous- ing is loaned free and the only expense is the salary of one man who takes care of the herd. The city then controls the price of the pork. The four operations necessary to tie the "Jug-handle" knot

��N order to splice a steel cable, it is necessary to make a knot which v.ill not slip or untie. Cable men employ what is known as the "Jug- handle" knot. This is made by grasping the rope in the left hand and forming a loop, as in Fig. 1, with the thumb at the cross. Next bring the loop down so the center of it rests under the thumb, as in Fig. 2. Hold the loop firmly under t h e'^ left thumb and turn the right half over toward the back and downward, then turn the left loop back and place it behind the strand which has been held under the thumb. The knot is now like Fig. 4. Next, place the finger and thumb of the right hand through the space marked with a cross in Fig. 4 and grasp the strand which was first held between the thumb and forefinger, in the original position. Care must be taken to grasp the strand between the two strands which are held in the left hand. Pull this strand through and the knot is tied. The rope will twist and turn as it is pulled through, but it will ruot tangle.

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