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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/68

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Some New Devices for Comfort and Con- venience. These Ap- pliances Help the Wide Awake Office Man to Attain Efficiency

��The desk at the right outwardly resembles the ordinary office desk. But it has handy card and letter files fitted into every drawer

���Above: A metal device for rapidly creasing papers. It fits on the thumb

����For convenience in reference, these ex- panding wallets have openings which hold cards for listing contents


��A pencil rack invented by Frank Gilbreth, which holds the pencils on end

��A fireproof steel cabinet inclosing a mechanical account rec- o r d . It shows the net profits from every employee and gives an in- ventory of your business

���desk re- minder which is similar to a card file, set in step form for more easy reading. An addition- al supply of blank cards is in the holder

��A small press designed for the office. It tabulates paper for scratch pads

��A lead pencil having calendar attached

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