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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/87

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Popular Science Mont/ili/


��The Modern Soldier's Fight- ing Equipment

THE equipment of a French infantryman in Napoleon's day consisted of a gun and a knapsack. To-day the soldier carries an array of death-dealing weapons as complete as that of the arsenal itself.

Hand grenades and gun gre- nades, wire shears and a rifle are carried by the foot soldier in the advance. Pick-axe and shovel he must have when he reaches the trenches. Signal lanterns and sky-rockets must also be carried by the officers to keep head- quarters constantly in touch with the progress of the fight.

The periscope and the gas alarm are as necessary as guns, all these the other implements of war and you will understand why physical fit- ness is the principal consideration in the examination of recruits.

���A nature lover had the body of this automo- bile fashioned out of a hollowed redwood log

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���The modern soldier carries more than twenty im- plements of warfare in addition to his gun and blanket. Is it any wonder he has to be strong?

��A Traveling Home Made From a Giant Redwood

TO construct an automobile body out of a section of a huge redwood tree h a feat recently accomplished by Charles Kellogg of Santa Clara, California. Mr. Kellogg is well known as the first man to imi- tate birds with his voice.

To accommodate this unique redwood body, an especially- designed chassis was construct- ed. Then Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg traveled to the Eel river coun- try, where many mammoth red- woods grow. Here they secured from a lumber company a section of one of the large trees. The sec- tion chosen was twenty-two feet long, thirty-three feet in circumference and weighed forty tons.

One-half of this piece was cut away, and the selected half was hollowed and the bark was re- moved. It was then jacked up and the chassis was run beneath it. When dried, this finished product weighed about five thousand pounds. The car has been fitted with windows and doors, and the inside has been equipped with beds, kitchenette, closets, electric lights and all traveling conveniences.

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