Page:Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations (Volume 3).djvu/57

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up and down, with gestures expressive of the utmost delight. They were all of most surpassing beauty as to forms and proportions, and quite transparent, so that they appeared to be of flame-tinted crystal; and one might imagine that he perceived the blood playing within their veins. They too, appeared to welcome Maria by signs, expressive of friendliness and pleasure, and the latter would fain have approached nearer, had not Zerina forcibly prevented her; assuring her, that to touch them would prove her destruction, for they were shapes of fire.

“What meanest thou?” enquired Maria of her companion; “how can these beautiful creatures exist in such an element, or endure the torture of it?”

“They might as well demand, how we can exist in the air? for that to them is certain death. But, behold! how they enjoy that heat which is congenial to their natures! how exultingly they laugh and shout!”

“But what is their employment?”