Page:Popular Tales of the Germans (Volume 2).djvu/132

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betook herſelf in her preſent difficulty to the tender-hearted watchman of ſouls, and gave him a faithful account of her adventure with Number-Nip, in what manner he had holpen her to great riches, and her anxiety how to diſpoſe of it; and then ſhe authenticated the ſtory, by producing the whole ſtock of gold, which ſhe had brought with her by way of document. The prieſt fell to croſſing himſelf with great earneſtneſs at this extraordinary occurrence, though he was all the while ſincerely rejoiced at the good fortune of the poor woman: he then began to pull his night-cap backwards and forwards, in order to ſtart ſome lucky contrivance for ſecuring to her the poſſeſſion of her money, without raiſing an hue and cry about the way in which ſhe came by

    the Bible is read neither with ſo much aſſiduity nor devotion as in the golden days of good Queen Beſs, of a ſcriptural recipe, that may be as uſeful in many modern families, as it proved in that of the gallant and adventurous Tobias.
