Page:Portland, Oregon, its History and Builders volume 1.djvu/392

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John Murphy 5 bushels of wheat at Wagner & Mc-

Call's mill (settled by note).

J. C. Tolman $16.00 (paid in supplies and 30 bushels

of wheat to be delivered at Wagner & McCall's mill. Settled by note),

P. Dunn 50 bushels of wheat, to be delivered at

Wagner & McCall's mill, Ashland (settled by note).

H. F. Baren $18.00 (paid in supplies to S. G. Elliott).

Wagner & McCall 50 bushels of wheat, delivered at Wag- ner & McCall's mill (settled by note).

Enoch Walker $4.00 in supplies (paid to S. G. ElHott).

B. F. Myer 10 bushels of wheat, at Ashland Mills.

W. C. Myer 10 bushels of wheat at Ashland Mills.

W. Beeson 25 bushels of wheat at Ashland Mills (all

three settled by note).

J. G. Van Dyke $3-5o (paid in supplies to S. G. Elliott).

John S. Herrin 10 bushels of wheat, delivered at Foud-

ray's mill (settled by note). Amos E. Rogers $10.00 (to be paid in board).

C. S. Seargent $2.00 (paid).

John Watson 40 bushels of wheat, delivered at Allen's

mill. Emerson E. Gore $10.00 in legal tenders (paid in wheat at

Allen's mill). M. Riggs 20 (twenty) bushels of wheat, delivered

at Phoenix mill. William Wright 22 bushels of wheat, at Foudray's Phoe- nix mill.

Frederick Heber 40 bushels of wheat, at Allen's mill.

S. D. Van Dike 25 bushels of wheat, at Phoenix mill.

John Coleman $10.00 (paid).

Joseph A. Grain 20 bushels of wheat at Phoenix mill.

J. T. Glenn $25.00 (paid by note).

Wm. Heyse $12.00 (paid by note).

W. K. Ish 25 bushels of wheat, at Foudray's mill.

H. A. Breitbarth $2.50 (paid) .

J. Gaston $10.00 (paid).

McLaughlin & Klippel 40 bushels of wheat, to be delivered at

Poole ranch (paid by note).

W. H. S. Hyde $5.00 (paid).

J. E. Ross 40 bushels of wheat, at Allen's mill.

Aaron Chambers 25 bushels of wheat, at Allen's mill.

M. Hanly $10.00 (to be paid in wheat at Allen's

mill). Granville Sears 15 bushels of wheat, at E. D. Foudray's

mill. R. S. Belknap 20 bushels of oats, to be delivered at

Hunter's ferry.

U. S. Hayden $10.00.

John Neuber $5.00 (paid).

H. Amerman $5-00 (to be paid at Gasburg).

Beall & Brother 100 bushels of wheat at Allen's mill.

Wm. H. Merriman 20 bushels of wheat at Allen's mill.

Haskell Amy 20 bushels of wheat at Allen's mill,

Alexander French 20 bushels of wheat at Foudray's