ev. Edward
A. Leonard, pastor; Immanuel, Meade and Second Rev^ A. BJIinatepa^ton
Richard Schneider, pastor ; University Park, pastor to be supphed.
Chinese, Rev. Fung. Chah, pastor; Sunnyside, German; Swedish, 916 Union avenue.
Central, E. Salmon and 20th, Rev. J F. ^^^J^^^^^f'^^'^^^^^^^^ Columbia, Rev. W. F. Reagor pastor ; ^ern Park Rev^ A- fV^^^^^^^^^ Rodney Avenue, Rev. Thomas G. Picton, P=^f ^J ' S?1J^°°^^ ^^^i^t Mission, Rev. Henry L. Bell, pastor; Woodlawn, pastor to be supplied, i^apnsx
Chinese, Rev. Lee Tong, pastor.
First Park street Rev. Luther R. Dyott, pastor; First German, 424 Stanton, Rev^H Htpp,T-tor; First Wil.burg^Will^^^^^^ Pa-r.
Hassalo Street, Rev. George E. Paddock, P^f ^J ' ^^^^Xle a Rev. Wm. H. 6th street. Rev. E. D. Bollmger, P^^^^^ '^^fgi^^^^^bkk pastor ; Sunnyside, Meyer, pastor; Pilgrim, Missouri .^^^^^J J^^^'^^u^ W Rigg^S pastor; Swedish P*>v T T Stanli pastor; University Park, Kev. u. vv. ixi^g , ^ MUsion,^GUsan and 13th street. Rev. B. J. Thorsen, pastor.
First Divine Truth, hall in Alisky building. Rev. T. M. Minard, pastor.
Church of the Brethren, KiUingsworth and Borthwick streets. Rev. George C. Carl, pastor. pkotestant episcopal.
Rt. Rev, Charles Scadding, . bishop "^ Oregon ;Rev^Henr^D. Chambers, archdeacon of Oregon; All Samts Church, 25 h ^^^ 1^^^^%, M.^Ramley
Remington, rector; Chapel o£ ^^f ^^^^J' ^I'^J^irZc^.Urn, Rev. John in charge; Church of the Good Shfphard Vancouver a _^^^^^
Dawson; Church of Our Savior, Woodstock, ^^^^Van^'^j^^ ' rector ; Milwau- Grace Memorial, 17th and Halsey, R". George R Van Waters «ct , ^^^
Icee, Rev. T. F. Bowen, missionary m *a;ge ; Pr^Cath^dral o bt^ ^P^_^^^^^
Ma'rtyr, 13th and Clay, Rev. H. M^f^'^^^'HTn/y' I Talbot, rector? St. John's to be supplied; St. Davids, E. 12th, Kev. nenry rector- St. Mark's,
Memorial's. 15th and Multnomah, |^- 0=7J,^J^^°'Matthew'^. F'«' -"^ Marshall and 21st streets Rev. J. E. f ™P?°"|,,^X Woodmere, to be supplied; Caruthers, Rev. W^A. M Breck, rector ; St Paul Woodme^^,^^ ^_^^^ ^^
Trinity, 19th and Everett Rev^ A^A^ Mo r.son re^to superintendent;
House, M'ary Montgomery, superintendent.
Rev. Theodore Schaner, presiding elder Alliance, German, Pettygrc>vest«et, Rev. E. G. Hornschuch, pastor; First Eva