and kitchen gardening are held six months in the year, with an average attend-
ance of twenty-five.
Mrs. P. J. Mann, president; Mrs. E. B. Hamilton, secretary; Mrs. W. A. MacRae, treasurer.
THE woman's exchange.
The exchange, which was for years a part of the enterprise of the Woman's Union but is now separate, devotes its energies to helping women sell their needlework, paintings, photos, clothing, etc., as also the maintaining of a lunch room and selling prepared food.
The report of the treasurer, Mrs. Genevieve S. Alvord, for the year ending March 31, 1910, shows:
Total receipts from goods, lunches, entertainment, etc.. .$38,276.40 Total expenses for same time, paid out on as above. . . . 28,120.04 Cash on hand April i, 1910 10,156.36"