owned by this line—the Kinshan, Heungshan, Honan, and Faishan —leave Hongkong at 10 p.m., arriving in Canton at 6.30 o'clock in the morning.
Steamers from Hongkong to Canton and return are also operated by a Chinese company, whose rates are cheaper than the British company's. Its ships, the Kwangtung and the Kwangsai, are often patronized by tourists. These boats leave Hongkong at 9 p.m., arriving in Canton at 6.30 o'clock the next morning.
The traveler desiring to visit Canton by rail should board the train at Kowloon, the terminus of the Canton-Hankow Railroad. The line, built by the Chinese, was extended by the British, who plan eventually to make it a direct line to Paris.
AVING eluded the river pirates, the steamer makes rapid headway up the Chukiang River, and as the sky brushes the darkness from its face and the sun sends great streamers of crimson and purple light from behind the gray clouds massed on the eastern horizon, the outskirts of Canton come into view, and there is a rush of work on the deck as the passengers make ready to land, all thoughts