abstract which he drew up before preaching; so that when delivered, the apparent abruptness and ruggedness of this outline may have been smoothed away.
Few ancient preachers would be more serviceable to a clergyman of the present day, or more acceptable to an English congregation. Unfortunately, the volumes are somewhat scarce, and consequently expensive.
The following is a list of Faber’s works and their several editions:
1. Controversiæ contra Altorfienses Professores.
2. Concionum opus tripartitum; Ingolstadii, 3 vols. fol., 1631; Cracoviæ, 1647.
3. Auctuarium Operis Concionum Pars; Græcii, fol., 1646; Antverpiæ, 2 vols. fol., 1647.
Auctuarium pro Dominicis et Sanctis; Cracoviæ, fol., 1647.
Opus Concionum, Pars Hiemalis; Antverpiæ, 3 vols. fol., 1650.
Auctuarium; Antverpiæ, fol., 1653.
Opus Concionum....cum Auctuario; Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 4to., 5 partes, 1669.
Opus Concionum, Pars Æstivalis; Antverpiæ, fol., 1663.
Opus Concionum; Coloniö, 3 vols., 4to., 1693.
Concionum Sylva nova, seu Auctuarium. Cui accedunt Conciones Funebres, Nuptiales, et Strenales posthumæ. Coloniæ, 4to., tomus primus, 1695.
4. R. P. Matthiæ Fabri Conciones Funebres; Brugis, 12mo., 1723.
5. Höret den Sohn Gottes; Olivö, 24mo., 1678.
I shall give the reader the outline of some of Matthias