- On its Negative or Passive Side (III Beatitude) (38—42).
- On its Positive or Active Side (VII Beatitude) (43—48).
The Practice required by Christ of His Disciples contrasted with the Practice of the Scribes and Pharisees.
First Defect of Pharisaical Righteousness, Ostentation, or Hypocrisy. God must be regarded in all our Acts (chap. vi. 1).
- α. In the Duties owed to our Neighbours (2—4).
- β. In the Duties owed to God (5—15).
- γ. In the Duties owed to Ourselves (10—18).
Second Defect of Pharisaical Righteousness, Worldliness. God must be regarded in all our Affections (19—34).
Third Defect of Pharisaical Righteousness, Spiritual Pride. God must be regarded in all our Judgments (chap. vii. 1, 2).
We must acquire Discernment to judge,
- a. How to give (3—5).
- b. To whom to give (6).
- c. What to give (7—12).
The conclusion sums up, in three practical exhortations, the whole sermon. Such being the spirit of the Law and the Prophets, and the strictness of the righteousness required,