- From a state of sin into a state of grace.
- From the state of delight in this world into the misery of hell.
- From the state of pain here to the glory of Heaven.
Sermon XII.—The five sources of joy to the redeemed.
- The place Heaven.
- The society of the blessed.
- The delights of the senses, especially of the eyes and ears.
- The dowers of the risen body; glory, agility, subtlety, and impassibility.
- The beatific vision of God.
Sermon XIII.—The estimation in which indulgences are to be held.
Sermon XIV.—Lessons drawn from the Gospel.
- The power of prayer.
- The duty of watching.
- The image of worldliness in Peter, to be avoided.
- The lightest sins to be shunned.
- The difference in the falls of good and bad.
- The fleeting nature of joy here on earth.
- The signs of Christ’s coming in judgment.
Sermon XV.—Mysteries contained in the Gospel.
- Why Christ elected only three of His disciples.
- Why He led them into a mountain apart.