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Page:Pounamu, notes on New Zealand greenstone (IA pounamunotesonne00robl).djvu/86

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Obsidian 20, 74
Ohui 11
oha 51
Onslow, Earl of 44
Onslow, Hon. V. A. H. Huia 11
Opepe 11
ornaments of greenstone, how worn 39
ornaments varied forms of, illustrated 40
Paraone, Hohepa 73
parrots as Maori pets 43
patu, see war-club
pekapeka, illustrated 40, 41
pendants, Maori names given to 49
pirori 22
Polack cited 27, 49, 54
poria, illustrated, its use 43
porotiti 20
Potatau 33
Potiki 35
pou 20
poutini 12
Pukekohatu 73
purupuru, see chisel
Rangi Purewa 73
Rauparaha 36, 68, 73, 74
Raureka 11
reke=butt of mere, see war-club
Ripa 36
ripi 33
Ropoama Te One 24
Rua 25
Rutherford, John 27, 28
Salford Museum, tiki in, illustrated and described 67
sealing wax 56
slave of Tamatea, legend of 16, 71
Smith, G. F., Gem Stones, remarks on nephrite and jadeite 9
South Island Maoris 11
spells 24
Stack, Canon, remarks by 11, 13, 21
Stack, Canon, cited 73, 74
Stack, Canon, Kaiapohia, quoted 36
Stack, Canon, on tiki, cited 52, 53
Tamatea 15, 16
Tamatea-kai-taharua 30
Tamihana 38
Tangaroa 12 note
tangiwai, legend concerning 15
tapu 16, 22, 33, 53, 71, 74, 79
Taramakau 75
Taumutu 21
Tauranga 35, 45
tautau, see kapeu
Tawha, Henare 21, 74
Te Aratangata, death of chief 36
Te Heuheu 34
Te Ika Poto 11
Te Papa 35
Te Pehi 36
Te Pi, worker in greenstone 21
Te Wherowhero 33
tiki, ancient examples, illustrated and described 70
tiki, antiquity of 74
tiki, as ear-pendant 77
tiki, bone 58 note, 69
tiki, change from A to B type 64, 65, 66
tiki, eyes of shell 56, 59
tiki, how to distinguish modern 72
tiki, in process of making, illustrated 66
tiki, makers of 74
tiki, Maori names given to 72, 73
tiki, methods of suspension 59, 60, 61, 75
tiki, method of wearing, illustrated 72, 76
tiki, of rare form 69, 70, 71
tiki, theories as to origin of 54, 55
tiki, tools used in making 71
tiki, types of 57
tiki, type A 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67
tiki, type B 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70
tiki, wooden 58
tipi 33
Titore, chief of the Ngapuhi 37
toggles 76
toki, see also adzes 23
toki, exchange of 24
toki, Maori names given to 24
toki whakarau 23
Tuakau, Haimona, information concerning greenstone given by 16
Tuhi-o-kahu hill 11
Tuhoe 11
Tuhua=Mayor Island 12
tuwiri, see drill
Tumu-aki mountain 16
tutae koka 16