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not far off, and the reader may imagine better than can be expreſſed, how the heart of a father muſt have been affected with the ſighs and groans of a ſon expiring to ſave his life. He could bear it no longer; but quitting the place of his concealment, he preſented himſelf to the aſſaſſins, begging with a flood of tears to put him to death, and diſmiſs the innocent child, whoſe generous behaviour the triumvirate themſelves, if informed of the fact, would jndge worthy of the higheſt approbation and reward. But the inhuman monſters, without being the leaſt affected with the tears either of the father or of the ſon, anſwered, that they both muſt die; the father becauſe he was proſcribed, and the ſon becauſe he had concealed his father. Then a new conteſt of tenderneſs aroſe who ſhould die firſt; but this the aſſaſſins ſoon decided, by beheading them both at the ſame time.

A woman of illuſtrious birth had been condemned to be ſtrangled. The Roman prætor delivered her up to the triumvir, who canſed her to be carried to prison, in order to her being put to death. The goaler, ſtruck with compaſſion, could not resolve to kill her. He chose therefore to let her die of hunger. Beſides which, he suffered her daughter to see her in prison, taking care,