Her Majesty the Queen Aunt[1] wished to have a book published for distribution at the funeral of Momchao Danaiworanut,[2] knight of the Chunlachomklao order, son of His Royal Highness Prince Chaturonratsami Krommaphra Chakkraphatdiphong,[3] whom she had raised since his childhood and had supported until his demise on Thursday, 5 December 2455 BE,[4] being the twelfth waning-moon day of the twelfth month of the Year of the Rat, Year 4.[5] She ordered the Board of the Wachirayan Royal Library to select a work which should be published for this public charity. The Board was of a unanimous opinion that more and more people nowadays are interested in the study of antiquity, such as history, which is in line with the preference of Their Majesties Kings Chunlachomklao[6] and Mongkutklao,[7] but difficulties have arisen for studiers as documents for verification are hard to find due to the facts that most of the ancient chronicles and histories have not yet been published, those having been published are already out of print, and some of the available editions are somehow erroneous to the point of being unfit for use in verification and study. The need of good editions of ancient chronicles and histories is therefore common amongst studiers.
In fact, studying and searching for knowledge about ancient chronicles and histories is surely considered one of the important parts of education in every country. In this country of Siam,