a copy to follow, will enable him to do good and satisfactory work.
The use of the variable spacer or free roller on the typewriter will enable him to fill up blanks in legal forms and to write on lines with the greatest ease. This kind of work should be included in his drill, for a legal form filled out poorly, with the typewriting out of alignment with the ruled lines, looks especially bad. The use of the variable spacer, or free roller, on the typewriter obviates the necessity of pulling the paper from the back in adjusting it for writing on lines. All legal documents are indented on the left-hand side, and to obtain this the left-hand marginal stop is generally fixed at 10 or 15 on the scale, depending on the exact position of the perpendicular ruled line on the legal paper.
Reports of references or hearings are transcribed on note-sized paper, questions and answers being usually placed on separate lines. These sheets are generally bound up in the form of a book, perforations being made on the left-hand side of each sheet for that purpose.
To reach the court reporter's position the stenographer must first be well drilled on legal forms and documents in a lawyer's office, learn to phrase well, write shorthand rapidly and read his notes like print. Practice for this all you can; do good work and leave no stone unturned to obtain influence that will back up your ambition.