speaker. The better plan, however, is to get the dictator to read more rapidly than you can write. In this way you must train your mind to carry several sentences, and when the actual work comes in business you will find the ability of great advantage.
As we wrote under a previous heading, it is necessary for the student of shorthand and typewriting to avoid discouragement and at all times to persevere. Lay a good foundation by having a thorough knowledge of your alphabet—next, from time to time, review your lessons—then memorize the word-signs. Every time you hear or read an uncommon or new word think of the outline. If you have no pencil or paper at hand, trace the outline with your finger. In fact, think in shorthand as much as you can and if you are an energetic and enthusiastic student you will do so whether you have read this or not. Read all the shorthand you can find, and be sure to read all you write. We urge upon you to cultivate the habit of reading well-written shorthand. Subscribe for the magazine of your system.
If you come across a difficult word, and do not find the outline as brief as you fancy it might be, ask the opinion of your teacher. Put your heart and soul in your work and master it. Don't let it be said, "He tried to learn shorthand and was not