adaptability to purpose. It is not so much a question of machine as operator.
Machines nowadays are built strongly and substantially to withstand wear. Experience has demonstrated to the typewriter companies that wearing qualities are paramount, so all have striven to obtain strength and long life in their machines. The first-class machines have similar labor and time-saving devices. An operator on one machine can soon become equally proficient on another. Learn to operate to the best of your ability whatever machine you use at school or during your study. Find out all there is to know about it. Keep it clean and free from dust and practice on it every moment you have to spare, and make every moment of your practice count. Do not waste time in writing aimlessly and superficially. Be in earnest.
The vexed question, "Which is the typewriter—the machine or the operator?" seems never to have been satisfactorily settled. So far as possible we shall use the word "typist" in these pointers to designate the operator of the machine, and the word "typewriter" to allude to the machine itself.
A few years ago little attention was devoted to the teaching of typewriting in business schools.