The Publishers' Foreword
We hope and believe that this book will prove of value to every ambitious student into whose hands it may come. It would be difficult to find anyone better qualified than the author to write a book of this kind. Mr. Rutherford can speak of almost every phase of shorthand and typewriting work from actual experience, for he has been a stenographer, a private secretary, a reporter, a teacher of shorthand, and an exponent of modern methods of typewriting. This broad, comprehensive experience has enabled him to write a book full of practical, up-to-date suggestions.
In speaking of Mr. Rutherford as a teacher, the Typewriter and Phonographic World said: "He is one of the very few teachers whom we know that every pupil he ever had recommends unqualifiedly and always mentions in terms of unstinted praise. He is a careful and painstaking teacher and conscientious, tireless worker."
This book was written by Mr. Rutherford in his leisure moments, as opportunity offered, and the copy sent to us from time to time. We desire to express our indebtedness to Miss Alice G. Rosenfels and Mr. Rupert P. SoRelle for their valued assistance in arranging and editing the manuscript.
The Gregg Publishing Company.
Chicago, February, 1904.