not used to so great an extent as it was formerly, and parentheses should be avoided when possible. Learn the use of the various punctuation marks; read good literature, leading articles in papers and magazines, and carefully note the punctuation. This will assist you materially in your studies. Use your common sense whenever you are transcribing and devote your best efforts to make sense of what you are writing. Make each sentence clear, understand it yourself, and then punctuate it so that there can be no doubt of its meaning to the reader.
Good typewriting can always be distinguished by the way it is "set up," and by the neatness of the work. Considerable taste and judgment can be exercised in this respect. In business letters see that the date is placed well to the right. If there is a date line, arrange the paper, or set the "variable spacer" of your machine, so that it will write exactly on the line. Do not be satifised with writing it just a little above or a trifle below the line; it must be exactly on the line. Set the address out nicely. Some employers prefer the address to be spread out, others like it arranged in successive steps. Find out from your teacher or from your typewriting manual the different plans, and practice them. See that your paragraphs all start at the same distance from the left hand side of the paper. If the letter is short,