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Page:Practical pointers for shorthand students (IA practicalpointer00ruthiala).pdf/72

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If you are copying a document set it out as nicely as you can, putting in capitals those letters which you think should be prominent. If it is necessary to erase, do it neatly, so that it will not show. Rub long enough to get the paper clean of ink stains. but don't rub a hole in it. Neat erasures require practice. Be satisfied with nothing but good work and neat work. Keep the type of your machine clean; to write with type that is clogged, or dirty, should not be tolerated. Don't write on your machine so that the letters print or pile up one on the other. If the machine writes in that way it may be that it needs cleaning or your touch is very uneven. Clean your machine and try again. If the type still print on each other, it is probably the fault of your irregular touch. Try to correct it so as to make your work neat and regular.

In hot weather keep your warm hands away from: the ribbon and the printed letters. If you do not, your letters are likely to look soiled. Don't strike the period and other punctuation marks so they show through the back of the paper. This is a common fault of the majority of typists. If you have accidentally struck your punctuation marks too hard, turn the sheet over, lay it face downwards on a flat surface, and pass the nail of your thumb or finger over the punctures in the paper, and in future strike the punctuation marks more lightly.