grasp the details of the other. The tabulator is also useful in addressing envelopes and arranging names and addresses in business correspondence, etc. Some of the largest firms in New York City are making it obligatory for each clerk in their employ to take a comprehensive course of typewriting and the use of the tabulator. Don't be behind the times. Bookkeeping ere long will be done on the typewriter by the aid of the tabulator. Learn all you can about this time and labor-saving device.
The clearness and conciseness of typewriting, and the ability of the typewriter to make manifold copies, has called forth other uses for the machine, hence the introduction of the book typewriter, a machine designed to write in a bound book. Before the invention of this machine, if it was desired to keep a permanent record of typewriting, the matter was first written on loose sheets and then bound up in the ordinary way into a book. With the book typewriter the leaves of the open book are held in position by a series of clamps and the typewriter travels across the page, the machine being operated in the usual way, except that the operator has to work on a moving keyboard. Hundreds of these machines are used throughout the world, writing the records in bound books, and they do their work well. If the student has an opportunity he should not neglect