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Page:Practical pointers for shorthand students (IA practicalpointer00ruthiala).pdf/77

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card system of filing, by which thousands of different colored cards are used for reference and even ledger-keeping purposes, has created a demand for a typewriter, or an addition to the typewriter for the purpose of card writing. So great has been the increase of the number of business firms using these reference cards that nearly a dozen large firms are now engaged in the manufacture of reference cards and filing cabinets. Typewritten cards are so much easier read than hand written ones that a demand sprang up for machines and operators for this purpose only. The book typewriters are undoubtedly the best for card writing, as they permit of the cards being written while lying perfectly flat, and the machines are so arranged as to take cards of any degree of thickness. The ordinary typewriters, however, by means of attachments, are now almost equally adapted for the purpose of card writing. Card cylinders and card holders can be bought and attached to any make of machine, and they will be found to take any of the ordinary "stock" cards with the greatest ease, and produce satisfactory work. It will be well for the student to learn all about the "Card System," and practice energetically the writing of cards until proficient. This method of filing is coming more largely into use daily and the typist is sure to meet with the card system, in some form, into whatsoever office he goes.