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Page:Practical pointers for shorthand students (IA practicalpointer00ruthiala).pdf/88

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The Stenographer in the Office


Assuming that the student of shorthand and typewriting has been able to pass an examination as set forth in the preceding pages, he seeks the employment bureau of one or more of the typewriter companies, armed with a letter of introduction from his teacher. He should provide himself with a note-book and pencil (unless he has a fountain pend and a circular eraser. On reaching his destination his first duty will doubtless be to fill out an application blank setting forth his name, address, qualifications, etc. At a stated time he will have to pass an examination.

In some offices three business letters are given for dictation, each consisting of about 100 words. The first letter is dictated at about 80 words per minute, the second letter at about go words per minute and the third letter at about 100 words per minute. Before beginning to take dictation see that your pencil is sharp, that your note-book is in good condition and not twisted or curled. Make yourself