is possible that you have failed simply through nervousness. Don't think that your teacher did not do you justice because you did not pass the first time. Try again. Practice faithfully for another week or two and then make another attempt. You will soon school yourself to withstand the nervous strain and pass the examination without difficulty.
Having passed the examinations of the typewriter companies you are now prepared to apply for a position. Possibly your teacher is able to send you to a position at once without the necessity of your taking an examination at the employment bureaus of the typewriter companies. So much the better. We will assume, anyway, that you are now about to embark in your first business venture. A word as to your personal appearance. See that your hands and face are clean and your hair is tidy. Young man, be sure that you are well shaved. Young lady, if a veil improves your appearance, by all means wear one. A favorable first impression counts for much. Don't be gaudily, but neatly, dressed. Have your note-book, pencil and eraser with you. Be at the office on time and ask for the person whose name has been given you. Young man, remove your hat, and take your hands from your pockets. Present your letter, and if you are asked whether you are ready for work answer in the affirmative and.