The celebrated father, Alphonsus Rodriguez, to whom all devout Christians, as well as the members of the different religious orders of the Church, are so deeply indebted for the rich treasures which he has bequeathed to them in his ascetic writings, was born at Valladolid, in Spain. He commenced his studies at Salamanca ; and there, after having attained his degree in the School of Philosophy, he was moved by the apostolic preaching of Father John Ramirez, of the Society of Jesus, and, at the age of nineteen, embraced the religious state in that society. During his noviceship, and in the course of his theological studies, he acquired so high a reputation for virtue, that scarcely was he ordained priest when he was intrusted with the care of the young religious to train them up in the spirit of their vocation — an employment which is considered of the utmost importance in the society. Amongst those who had the happiness of being under him as master of novices, was the celebrated doctor, Father Francis Suarez, who used frequently to congratulate himself on having been the disciple of one so renowned in spiritual life. He was next appointed Rector of Monterei, where he afterwards remained ; and, during the space of twelve years, delivered lectures in Moral Theology with such celebrity that many were anxious to obtain copies of his writings. To the important duties of the theological chair, his zeal associated still greater labours in his endeavours to promote the spiritual welfare of the city in which he dwelt, and of the neighbouring country, by preaching, catechising, and absolving sinners. From Monterei he was removed to Valladolid, to fill the office of domestic casuist in the house of the professed fathers ; thence he was summoned to Montilla to instruct the novices, and continued to perform this duty for more than thirty years. He was afterwards deputed to Rome to attend the Fifth General Congregation, where he gave illustrious proofs of his sanctity, prudence, and knowledge of the rules and constitutions of the society. From Rome he returned to Spain, and became Spiritual Father in the college of Cordova. It was during his sojourn here, that, having prin-