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Oriel of St. Wenceslas Chapel of the Old Town Hall.

“Regent“ Street of Prague: the “Příkop“ (formerly the old moat of the City) with many banks and shops nicluding depot of the famous Bohemian glass of Count Harrach’s glassworks at Nový Svět, and a depot of picturesque peasant costumes, embroidery, dolls, charming wooden things of the “Zádruha” (Association for encouraging home industries).

Passing through the Powder Tower we enter the Old Town by the Celetná ulice, leading to the Old Town Square and the ancient Town Hall.

THE TOWN HALL of the Old Town is a public building of abiding historic interest Its oldest part dates from 1338, (the picturesque projecting chapel and the tower). At the entrance we look at the ancient wonderful astronomical clock, constructed in 1490, and join the crowd watching the figures of our Lord and His apostles emerge and pass review as the clock strikes even hours. Entering the building we proceed to the first floor where, in the largest of the in council rooms are located the historical paintings of: John Hus before his Constance judges (1415) and the Election of George of Poděbrad as King of Bohemia in 1458 by Václav Brožík, the celebrated Bohemian painter, one of whose pictures: the Columbus before Queen Elizabeth of Spain is the property of Museum of Art of New York City.

The Hall of Mayors contains portraits of the chief magistrates of the City since 1611. The chapel is considered a gem of Bohemian Gothic architecture. From the ballustraded roof of the portico of the Tovn Halla splendid view of the Old Town Square can be obtained.

On this Square the execution of 27 Bohemian nobles took place following the battle of White Mountain (1621), which had sealed the fate of the country. Twelve years latter eleven officers of high rank were executed there by order of Waldstein for cowardice at the battle of Lützen.

A memorial of John Hus will be unveiled on this Square in 1915 in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of his death at the stake in Constance.

Opposite the Town Hall is a fine baroque building the Kinský palace and the TÝN CHURCH, for two centuries principle Hussite temple and the stronghold of the Hussite movement during its whole duration. The famous astronomer Dane Tycho Brahe, who died at Prague in 1601, is buried there.