Page:Prayerbookforrel00lasa 0.djvu/1066

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the temptations of the world, the devil, and the flesh; and that I may be conformed in all things to the will of Thy divine Father, however contrary to my own inclinations.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, etc.

2. O my Lord Jesus, Who wast so cruelly maltreated in the house of Annas and Caiphas; I thank Thee that Thou didst vouchsafe to suffer for love of me insults so atrocious, and contempt so shameful. Ah! how often have I insulted Thee in the person of my neighbor! I humbly ask Thy pardon, and resolve, with Thy holy aid, to suffer whatever may be done against me with patience and gentleness, and never to offend Thee again, either in word or work.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, etc.

3. O Jesus my King! Who wast so scorned by the Jews that they preferred to Thee a malefactor, a murderer; I pray Thee to grant me pardon for having often preferred to Thee some miserable creature, some base gratification. Grant that I may rather die than again offend against Thy infinite Majesty. Be Thou henceforward the King of my heart; and grant that by the help of Thy grace I may ever love and serve Thee, until I shall have the happiness to see and enjoy Thee in the kingdom of Thy glory.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, etc.

4. O most pure Jesus, most chaste among men! Whose innocent flesh was thus torn by the scourging in the house of Pilate, to purge away the wicked pleasures which we enjoy in ours; I confess that it was for me Thou didst suffer such cruel torments. I am confounded when I reflect on the blows I have caused Thee, and how often I have wounded Thee by my sensual gratifications. I entreat of Thee by all Thy sufferings to sanctify my body and my soul, to wash me and purify me by Thy precious blood from all my filthy stains. Ah! let not that flesh which was once cleansed in Thy blood, be again defiled with sin. May I serve Thee to the end of my life with a clean heart, and may all my actions be guided by the purest intentions.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, etc.

5. O Jesus, greatest of all sovereigns, Who wast crowned with thorns, rnd treated with cruel mockery; all derided and despised as Thou art, I acknowledge Thee for my King. And since there was no part of Thy sacred body which was