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grace to fly from all occasions of sin, and ever more to walk in the way of salvation according to the spirit of my holy vows.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

2. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy right foot, and pray Thee to give me grace to walk constantly in the way of Christian holiness till I come to the home of paradise.

Glory, etc.

3. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy left hand, and pray Thee to deliver me from all evil, whether of the body or the soul, and most especially from the unhappy fate of the wicked who shall stand at Thy left hand at the day of judgment.

Glory, etc.

4. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy right hand, and pray Thee to bless my soul there- with, and after death to open to me the gates of paradise.

Glory, etc.

5. My risen Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the glorious wound of Thy side, and pray Thee to kindle in my heart the fire of Thy love here, that I may hereafter love Thee eternally in heaven.

Glory be, etc.

To Mary.

LASTLY, I pray thee, O most holy Virgin Mary, by thy great joy on seeing thy risen and glorified Son, to obtain for us the grace to rise also after our death to the eternal glory of paradise. Hail Mary (three times).

Novena for Pentecost.

O JESUS! triumphant Conqueror of sin and death! Who hast taken possession of that seat of bliss purchased by Thy blood, remember Thy tender promise that Thou wouldst not leave us orphans. Send down upon us and upon Thy whole Church that Spirit of light, of truth, and of love Who alone can bring to our minds, and imprint on our hearts, the divine lessons of humility, poverty, obedience, and con- tempt of the world which Thou hast taught us during Thy mortal life. But, alas! if Thine apostles themselves were rendered unworthy of receiving the plenitude of Thy Spirit, by too natural an attachment to Thy adorable humanity,