Daily Intentions.
SUNDAY. — Mass, Communion, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of the Most Holy Trinity, for the Pope, prelates, and clergy, the propagation of the faith, in thanksgiving for my creation, redemption, and vocation, and to beg grace to unite my heart perfectly to God by dying to myself and to the world, so that I may use my talents and my whole being in the service of my heavenly Spouse.
Monday. — Mass, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of St. N., for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, particularly N.N., and the Sisters of the Institute; and for myself, the grace of final perseverance and a happy death.
Tuesday. — Mass, Communion, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of the angels, for the conversion of negligent Catholics, especially N.N.; for myself, a right knowledge, and the perfect spirit of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Wednesday. — Mass, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of St. Joseph, for parents, friends, benefactors, for those for whom I have promised to pray, for the temporal wants of the Institute, for the Superiors of the several houses; and for myself, modesty, meekness, and humility, and the graces to subdue my senses and imagination.
Thursday. — Mass, Communion, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, in reparation for all sacrilegious communions, and all indignities offered to this Sacrament of love, for all Religious, N. . . . for priests, N. . . . my duties, the relief of the poor; and for myself, the virtues of charity, patience, and confidence in God.
Friday. — Mass, Communion, Office, Rosary, etc., in honor of the sacred Passion and death of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, that union and charity may reign in the Community, that its members may increase, and that all may be filled with zeal for the conversion of sinners;