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O BLESSED Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the Source and Fountain of all good, I most firmly believe in You, I most humbly adore You, and thank You with a grateful heart for all the blessings and benefits I have received from Your infinite goodness. I most fervently consecrate and offer to You an unreserved sacrifice of my whole being. O my God, Who hast a right to every day, hour, and moment of my existence, accept the thoughts, words, and actions of this day, which I offer Thee in testimony of my sincere desire to satisfy my obligation of keeping it holy and as the first-fruits of the week; mercifully assist me to spend it in such a manner as may draw down Thy blessing. Increase in my soul the heavenly virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which I received at baptism, and teach me to make faith the rule of my conduct, that thereby it may avail me to life everlasting. Eternal Father, take possession of my memory; efface from it all images of vanity, and engrave therein the recollection of Thy adorable presence. Eternal Son, enlighten my understanding, and conduct me in the path of salvation by the fight of faith. Holy Spirit, sanctify my will by the most ardent love ; render it submissive under the contradictions of this life, and never permit that by attachment to my own ideas or judgment, I should forfeit the blessings of peace offered to men of good-will and obedient minds. Holy, adorable, undivided Trinity, by Whose power, mercy, and providence I was created, redeemed, regenerated, and preserved to this moment, receive the oblation of my whole being, and take me out of the world rather than permit me to efface Your sacred image in my soul by mortal sin. I adore You, O Holy Trinity, I worship You, I most humbly give You thanks for having revealed to man this glorious, this incomprehensible mystery,