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not the death of a sinner but rather that he should he converted and live ": and again by Thy own mouth: " God so loved the world as to give His only 'begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting ": and again: "I am not come to call the just, but sinners." It was Thou Who without delay didst forgive to Mary Magdalene all her sins, as she knelt weeping at Thy Feet. It was Thou Who didst take back into Thy favour Peter, who had thrice denied Thee, when he went out and wept bitterly. It was Thou Who, in Thy mercy, didst heal those who were taken with divers diseases, and, in the abundance of Thy love, didst loose those who were bound with the chain of very grievous sins — witness the woman taken in adultery, whom Thou didst save from the hands of her accusers, who were about to stone her.

O most gracious Jesus, my hope of mercy, and my refuge; Thou Who undertakest for me, and deliverest me from my cruel enemies; be merciful to me, and suffer not my soul to perish, to redeem which Thou wast content to endure the shameful death of the Cross. Remember Thy sacred words spoken to the thief, by which to me also Thou hast left a hope so firm that it can never be shaken. Say, then, to my soul, O Saviour of my life, when the hour of my departure shall draw nigh: " This day thou shall be with Me in Paradise." What more joyful words could a dying man hear, in what sweeter sounds could his senses be steeped, than those of that answer of good comfort: " This day thou shall be with Me in Paradise". Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom; forsake me not in the awful hour of death, when my strength is failing, when my voice is a mere