world! How full of joy and gladness is thy voice in our home which is above! O true, O supreme, everlasting Peace with God, with angels, and with men of good will!
Give me, O Lord, I pray Thee, peace in my heart, that I may love Thee above all things; give me peace in my mouth, that I may praise Thee with true devotion; give me peace in my hand that I may do all my good works for Thy honour! When I am sad, say to me: " Peace be unto thee; it is I, be not afraid" " Peace be unto thee" — than this what can be more pleasant to me? "It is I" — than this what possession can be more joyful? " Be not afraid " — than this what cause of rejoicing can be more secure? " Behold, I am with you " — than this what enjoyment can be more sweet from everlasting to everlasting; what surer and firmer ground can there be for believing, and for laying hold on life eternal?
Whatever, O Lord, I possess, whatever I see, whatever I long for, all is nothing without Thee. In Thee alone is all my wealth; than Thee there can be nothing better, nothing more perfect, nothing richer, nothing more blessed. In Thee, therefore, O God, my Saviour, is to be found all that I have and all that I hope for; all my safety, all my peace: nowhere else, in no created good, however lovely, however noble, however great, can I find it. I say, therefore, and I pray with holy and humble Francis: " My God, and my All! More I wish not for." And if ever I should be in distress, and be deprived of inward consolation and comfort, still would I say and pray: "My God, and my All!" I want nothing, I wish for nothing, O my God, but for Thee, Who art all in all, Who above all and before all art blessed