accounted heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, and fellow-citizens of the Angels.
I praise and glorify Thee for having adorned this most holy day with many miracles and signs and gifts, and for having commanded it to be for ever observed by the faithful with joyous devotion. It was on this day that in old time the Law was given by Moses upon Mount Sinai to Thy people Israel, when they had been delivered from the heavy yoke of bondage, and had come forth from the land of Egypt to sacrifice to Thee in the Wilderness, where Thou gavest them for food sweet manna from Heaven. And it was for the perpetual remembrance of this deliverance that Thou didst command a special sacrifice of thanksgiving to be year by year offered to Thee of the newly gathered fruits of the harvest.
But now, under the New Covenant, after Thou hadst with great power ascended into Heaven far above all Angels, Thou didst with yet fuller grace and bounty distinguish, bless, and consecrate this holy day; and in place of sweet manna Thou didst send, by a visible sign from Heaven, the Holy Ghost upon Thy Apostles — with a loud noise, fiery tongues appearing upon each of them — in order that inwardly they might be inflamed with love, and outwardly might be ready and eloquent of speech, so as boldly to proclaim, as the Holy Spirit inspired them and gave them utterance, all the mighty works which in the land of the Jews Thou hadst wrought for our Salvation. Very many indeed were they, and such as to men were impossible; but to God all things are possible and easy. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the famous Prophet Isaias, saying: " The law shall come forth from Sion, and the word of the