that all my hope might be set on things above, and might be lifted up to Thee, instead of being fixed on things earthly, and seeking its delight in them. Apart from God there is nothing which is not empty and transient, worthless and of no account. Everything which keeps me back from God, and stands in the way of devout prayer and meditation upon heavenly things, is to be spurned and put aside.
I beseech Thee, therefore, O most loving Jesus, King of everlasting glory, that in the Kingdom of Thy Father Thou wouldst remember me, the least of all Thy servants, and wouldst send to me now from Heaven the Holy Ghost the Paraclete, to be my true Comforter, and to give me renewed zeal and a larger outpouring of spiritual gifts. Amen.
Prayer concerning the gifts of the Holy Ghost against divers diseases of the soul
COME, O Holy Spirit, come with all Thy gifts, and drive far from me Satan, who with his vile imaginations so often harasses me in my prayers and devout meditations. Come, Thou most sweet South wind, blow through the garden of my heart with the hottest fire of Thy love, and root out from it every fleshly lust, that so, moistened with a shower of tears of true contrition for my sins, the spices of my thankfulness may flow forth at the sweet remembrance of all Thymercies and favours. Come Thou, of Comforters the best, and lift me out of the abyss of black despondency by shedding