By thy setting at naught by Herod,
By the shameful stripping off thy garments,
By thy cruel scourging,
By thy painful crown of thorns,
By thy purple robe,
By thy most unjust condemnation,
By thy bearing thine own cross,
By thy footprints traced in blood,
By the wound in thy sacred shoulder,
By the tearing off thy garments,
By the cruel stretching of all thy sacred limbs,
By thy dread crucifixion,
By the upraising of thy cross,
By the taunts and blasphemies of thine enemies,
By thy seven words and thy thirst,
By the compassion of thy Mother,
By the woe of all thy friends,
By the anguish of thy Heart and of thy Body,
By thy tears and prayers,
By the dropping of thy most precious Blood,
By thy patience and humility,
By the love of thy sweetest Heart,
By the love wherewith thou didst pray for sinners,
By the love wherewith thou didst endure all thy torments and sorrows,
By the love wherewith thou didst will to die a cruel death,