our salvation, when thou wast scourged with cruel thongs and crowned with thorns, and didst condescend at the third hour of the day to bear thy cross of ignominy on thy wearied bleeding shoulder with uncomplaining meekness and patience.
O Mother of all blessedness, &c.
I PRAISE thee, O most compassionate Jesus, through thine own sweetest Heart, for that steadfast and undismayed hope wherewith the heavenly Virgin strove unceasingly, with fixed will and holy intention, to praise thee; imitating thus that eager yearning wherewith, when hanging high on the tree of thy cross, and amid the exceeding bitterness of thy death, thou didst long with all thy whole soul for the redemption of the human race, and didst therefore cry: I thirst. For what didst thou thirst, O loving Jesus, but for the salvation of the souls of men, for which thou wouldst have joyfully endured yet more bitter and consuming anguish.
O Mother of all blessedness, &c.
I PRAISE thee, O most compassionate Jesus, through thine own sweetest Heart, for that most ardent mutual love which united the divine Heart to that of the Virgin undefiled, and which most intimately and inseparably conjoined thy all-glorious Divinity with