the grave, alter the manner of men; that thou mightest show us that there was no abyss of humiliation from which thou wouldst shrink, to effect our complete consolation.
O Mother of all blessedness, &c.
Most pleasing to the blessed Virgin.
While St. Gertrude was bewailing her negligence in that she had never served the Mother of Jesus with due reverence, and was beseeching oar Lord to supply her lack of service, she seemed to see the King of Glory arise and present his deific Heart to his Mother, and therewith to make amends for all her negligence. To obtain a like grace, recite the following prayer.
O SWEETEST Jesus, by that love wherewith thou didst deign to take our flesh of the most pure Virgin and of her to be born, that thou mightest satisfy the desires of the poor and the wants of the needy, I beseech thee that thou wouldst vouchsafe to make amends to thy ever-virgin. Mother, with thine own sweetest Heart, for all the manifold defects which through my own negligence and ingratitude have tainted and marred my service and honour of so gentle and loving a Mother, whose gracious succour has never failed me in any danger or necessity. Do, then, O most tender Jesus, present to her thy sweetest Heart, overflowing with ineffable blessedness, in reparation of this my neglect. Let her see therein all the divine