union with that love wherewith the Son of God enlightened thee with his wisdom, and made thee a softly-shining star, lighting up heaven and earth. Hail, Mary, in union with that sweet unction of the Holy Ghost, wherewith he so pervaded thee and made thee so full of grace, that every one who through thee seeketh grace doth find it Call to mind now that unspeakable operation wherewith the whole most Blessed Trinity wrought in thee, when human flesh taken from thy substance was so united to the Divine Nature that God was made man and man became God, and thy whole soul was suffused with a sweetness and a gladness which the heart of man cannot conceive. And therefore very creature with rapturous admiration doth acknowledge and confess that thou art blessed and incomparably exalted above all creatures in heaven or on earth, and blessed the Fruit of thy womb, even Jesus,who quickens, sanctifies, and blesses all things for ever. Amen.
To which Innocent VIII. attached an Indulgence at the request of the Queen of Spain,
HAIL, glorious Virgin, Morning star that dost outshine the sun, gracious Mother of my God, sweeter than the dropping honeycomb: thou art that fair one in comparison with whom all