therein a delight greater far than, all our service and devotion, no that no prayer, however fervent and recollected, could so gladden her maternal heart. St. Mechtilde also received a similar revelation.
I PRAISE and greet thee, O Virgin surpassingly sweet, in that intimate union wherewith thou art united to God above all creatures. And in amends for all the negligences I have committed in thy service, I offer thee, O tender Mother, the most glorious and adorable Heart of Jesus Christ, with all that true and faithful filial love he showed thee in such perfection on earth, and will for ever show thee in heaven. Amen.
Composed by him to be repeated every day Having omitted it one day, he saw in a vision of the night the holy evangelist St. John, who looked at him with a severe countenance, and said: Why have you omitted my prayer? And then, raising the sceptre he held in his hands with a threatening gesture, he commanded him never more to omit it.
O Undefiled and ever-blessed, only and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Sanctuary of the Holy Ghost, Gate of the kingdom of heaven, through whom under God all the whole earth liveth; bow down thy compassionate ears to my unworthy supplications, O my Mother,