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against thee. In union with thy most sinless limbs, I commend to thee all the members of my body, with all their movements, that they may throughout this day move for thy glory alone, for thy praise and thy love. Amen.


Jesus said to St. Mechtilde: Whoever shall breathe a sigh towards me from the bottom of his heart when he awakes in the morning, and shall ask me 'to work all his works in him throughout the day, he will draw me to him; so that his soul shall leave life from me even as his body has life from his soul, and he shall do all things through me and by me. For never does a man breathe a sigh of longing aspiration towards me without drawing me nearer to him than I was before.

O MOST loving Jesus, I breathe towards thee this sigh, drawn from the depth of my heart, beseeching thee, with all my might, that thou wouldst deign thyself to work in me all my works, whether of body or of soul, to cleanse them all in thy sweetest Heart, and to offer them, in union with thine own most perfect works, to God the Father as an eternal thanksgiving. Amen.


Our Lord revealed to St Gertrude, that he records with letters of gold in the book of life