sury of the merits of Jesus Christ; and I offer thee all the long Passion he endured from the first moment of his Conception until he bowed his head upon the cross and gave up the ghost. Moreover, I plunge and hide all my sins and negligences in his most sacred Wounds; beseeching thee that thou wouldst vouchsafe to wash away all my stains in his most precious Blood, and to inflame me with the fire of his love.
Sixthly: I most humbly ask pardon of all and every one whom I have ever grieved or offended by word or deed, and I declare myself ready to make full amends with my own person, according to the measures of thy most exact justice, for all the loss I have occasioned them in their honour or in their substance. And do from my heart pardon and forgive every injury, insult,or wrong whereby any person has offended me by word or deed, even as our Lord Jesus Christ, while hanging upon the cross, forgave his enemies and murderers, and prayed for them to his Father.
Seventhly: I acknowledge and profess that I could not hope to attain heaven by my own merits; wherefore I put not my trust in them, but only in the merits and passion of thy beloved Son, and in the patronage and intercession of thy Saints. And in these I so firmly place my trust, that I cannot even conceive that I can perish everlastingly,