overwhelmed. I offer thee the most precious Blood which he shed. I offer thee his humility, his patience, his charity, and his spotless innocence.
O Father, O Son, O Holy Ghost, my God who dwellest within me, grant me that I may be unable to think any thing, to will any thing, to speak any thing, to do any thing, hut what is pleasing in thy sight. Grant that I and all men may ever do thy holy will. Make us well-pleasing to thee, and one with thee, so that thy delight may be to dwell in us. It is my bounden duty to praise thee, O Lord, and it is my most eager longing desire; but, inasmuch as I can never praise thee worthily, I implore thee that thou wouldst deign, to offer to thyself most perfect praise within my heart, so that thou mayest sanctify for thyself, and accept as most grateful praise and adoration, every breath I draw, whether I wake or whether I sleep.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
From the same.
I ADORE thee, I praise and magnify thee, O Jesus Christ, my Lord. I bless thee and give thanks to thee, thou Son of the living God, who, according to the will of the Father, and with the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, didst once vouchsafe to be conceived in the most chaste womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to be made man,