didst so humbly receive from thy servant John, for the Fast of forty days and forty nights wherewith thou wast afflicted and exhausted in the wilderness, and for all the foul temptations wherewith thou didst not refuse to be assailed by the devil.
I give thee thanks for thy saving doctrine, for the miracles thou didst work, and the benefits thou didst bestow on the world, for thy journeyings, thy labours, and thy sorrows, for the hunger and the thirst, the cold and the heat thou didst endure, and for the manifold persecutions wherewith thou didst deign to be harassed for my salvation.
I give thee thanks for that marvellous condescension where with thou, their meek and lowly Master,didst kneel to wash thy disciples' feet and wipe them with a napkin.
I give thee thanks for the institution of the adorable Sacrament of the Eucharist, in which, with most amazing liberality and unutterable love, thou hast given and bequeathed thyself to us. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, &c.
From St. Ambrose.
O Compassionate Lord Jesus Christ, I a sinner, nothing presuming on my own merits, but trusting in thy mercy and goodness, draw near with awe and