sacred Humanity, to the glory of God the Father, and for the salvation of all the whole human race; beseeching thee that, in union with thy divine Son, it may tend to the increase in grace and glory of all thine elect, in heaven, on earth, and in purgatory. Amen.
Before you lie down to sleep, trace on your forehead these four letters, I. N. R. I, saying:
MAY Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, preserve me from sudden and unprepared death. Amen.
Our Lord revealed to St. Edmund that those who use this prayer shall be preserved from sudden death in the night.
On one occasion when St. Gertrude could not sleep, she learned the prayer from Christ himself.
BY thine own eternal and unruffled repose in the bosom of God the Father, by thy most peaceful rest in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, by the most ecstatic rapture with which thou didst ever take thy delight in the hearts of those who love thee, I beseech thee, O most loving Lord, deign to grant me needful sleep, not for my pleasure or advantage, but that the weary members of my body may be refreshed to labour for thy eternal praise and glory. Amen.