ing these words of the Preface, Per quem Majestatem, &c, let her praise me in union with all my angels and saints, and offer a Pater noster to God through me; thus shall all her negligences be forgiven and effaced. And all who shall do this may confidently expect the like blessing at my hands.
O Most compassionate Jesus, I adore thee, I praise and magnify thee in union with that transcendent praise which the most Holy and Worshipful Trinity renders unceasingly to himself; which flows down thence upon the most Blessed Virgin Mary and upon all Saints and Angels, who adore thy glorious Majesty with unceasing and unutterable canticles, and show forth thy praise in rapturous accord. With whose voices we beseech thee to permit ours to blend, saying in lowly acknowledgment: Holy, holy, holy, &c.
Here say as follows a Pater to supply all your negligences and defects.
O Most holy Father, I offer thee this prayer in union with the praises with which heaven and earth and all thy creatures worship and magnify thee. Deign to hear and accept it through Jesus Christ thy Son, for all that is offered to thee through him comes up before thee well-pleasing and most acceptable. I beseech thee, through the same thy Son, to forgive me all my sins and to supply all my