thee, and congratulate thee in their name. And since this is far short of showing forth thy praise, I beseech thee that thou wouldest vouchsafe to supply for thine own sake ray lack of service, and that of all creatures, in loving thee and rejoicing in thee. And I offer to thee this splendour and fragrance of love and congratulation, together with all the glory, praise, and congratulation which the blessed spirits and souls of the just render thee with one consent, in thanksgiving for all the glory and blessedness which thou dost enjoy for evermore. Amen.
From the devotions of St. Gertrude.
BLESSED be thy goodness, O my God, and blessed be thy compassion, O thou one and true Godhead, thou one and holy Trinity, thou one and supreme God, for all the benefits and loving-kindnesses with which thy profuse and loving compassion has surrounded me, undeserving as I am. For all these I adore thee, I praise and bless thee, O my most tender Lord and God, in union with that supernal praise with which thou, O glorious Trinity, art thine own sufficient praise, which pours down from thee upon the blessed Humanity