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lay open to us the treasury of the riches of God, thou true refuge of the poor, and comfort of the afflicted.

5. Hail, Jesus, glory of angels, living Fountain, light of all minds, who dost transcend all joy and all desire. Amen.


O Good Jesus, my love, my joy, and my sweetness, my soul loves thee alone; for thee alone doth my longing spirit pine. For thou art more glorious than the sun, fairer than the moon, more radiant than the dawn, more brilliant than the stars. Thou art whiter than the lily, more ruddy than the rose, more vigorous than the hyacinth, and more fragrant than earth's most fragrant flowers. Thou art sweeter than all sweetness, more tender than all affection, more exquisite than all dainties, beloved above all love. Thou alone art great and to be praised, thou alone art sweet and to be loved, thou alone art fair and pleasant, thou alone beauteous and full of delight, thou alone hast no counterpart or equal in heaven or in earth. Wherefore, in token of my love, I offer thee this wreath of gems, and present it to thee on the golden altar of thy divine Heart, in union with that unceasing melody of praise wherewith the whole company of heaven worships thee. And since this my meagre, barren praise is altogether unwor-